Saturday, July 2, 2022

Schaffer paragraph structure

Schaffer paragraph structure
Schaffer Example | Our English Class
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11/03/ · The Jane Schaffer paragraph is a five-sentence paragraph developed by Jane Schaffer, used to write essays. The paragraph only makes up one of many paragraphs in an essay, most of which have a non-Schaffer-like introduction and conclusion. The structure is utilized because it is thought to help students who struggle with paragraph structure and is 13/11/ · Pretend that you have met a person who has not read the novel, but you want to tell them all about it from start to finish. In three well-developed paragraphs (3+:0), summarize 1) the setting; 2) the important characters you met, and 3) the events that occurred, and/or conflicts that arose in the beginning, the middle, and the end of the novel Step 6: A Whole Paragraph My life is made up of moments and memories. For example, remembering my mother’s warning about failing in school, I build an inner voice that tells me to always do my best. My mom no longer tells me what to do in life now that I am older. This shows that she trust me to make smart decisions. In conclusion, the memory

Schaffer method - Wikipedia
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13/11/ · Pretend that you have met a person who has not read the novel, but you want to tell them all about it from start to finish. In three well-developed paragraphs (3+:0), summarize 1) the setting; 2) the important characters you met, and 3) the events that occurred, and/or conflicts that arose in the beginning, the middle, and the end of the novel 01/03/ · These are two of the five basic sentence types that are to be included in Schaffer's paragraph format. This method calls for the following order of sentence writing; (a) topic sentence (b) concrete detail (c) two commentary sentences (d) and a concluding blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins 17/03/ · In the Schaffer Method, the paragraph begins with a Topic Sentence (TS). This sentence will express an opinion, and it is followed by the first of 2 Concrete Details (CD1). The CD is followed up by at least 2 sentences of Commentary (CM). Finally, the paragraph concludes with a Closing Sentence (CS) and a transition

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Writing Model. A Jane Schaffer Paragraph is a five (5) sentence paragraph that has a definite structure and transition from one idea to the next. You must follow the guidelines specifically. Topic Sentence (TP): A broad sentence that mentions key details. Concrete Detail (CD): The “what” of the text – facts, specific details, evidence, citations. Commentary (CM): What think Step 6: A Whole Paragraph My life is made up of moments and memories. For example, remembering my mother’s warning about failing in school, I build an inner voice that tells me to always do my best. My mom no longer tells me what to do in life now that I am older. This shows that she trust me to make smart decisions. In conclusion, the memory 01/03/ · These are two of the five basic sentence types that are to be included in Schaffer's paragraph format. This method calls for the following order of sentence writing; (a) topic sentence (b) concrete detail (c) two commentary sentences (d) and a concluding blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins

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11/03/ · The Jane Schaffer paragraph is a five-sentence paragraph developed by Jane Schaffer, used to write essays. The paragraph only makes up one of many paragraphs in an essay, most of which have a non-Schaffer-like introduction and conclusion. The structure is utilized because it is thought to help students who struggle with paragraph structure and is Below are two Schaffer-model paragraphs students wrote together as a class. The legend at right is for the abbreviations at the beginnings of sentences. Example One Topic Sentence (TS) Concrete Detail 1 (CD 1) Commentary (CM 1A) Commentary (CM 1B) Concrete Detail 2 (CD 2) Commentary (CM 2A) Commentary (CM 2B) Concrete Detail 3 (CD 3) 13/11/ · Pretend that you have met a person who has not read the novel, but you want to tell them all about it from start to finish. In three well-developed paragraphs (3+:0), summarize 1) the setting; 2) the important characters you met, and 3) the events that occurred, and/or conflicts that arose in the beginning, the middle, and the end of the novel

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11/03/ · The Jane Schaffer paragraph is a five-sentence paragraph developed by Jane Schaffer, used to write essays. The paragraph only makes up one of many paragraphs in an essay, most of which have a non-Schaffer-like introduction and conclusion. The structure is utilized because it is thought to help students who struggle with paragraph structure and is 01/03/ · These are two of the five basic sentence types that are to be included in Schaffer's paragraph format. This method calls for the following order of sentence writing; (a) topic sentence (b) concrete detail (c) two commentary sentences (d) and a concluding blogger.comted Reading Time: 6 mins Writing Model. A Jane Schaffer Paragraph is a five (5) sentence paragraph that has a definite structure and transition from one idea to the next. You must follow the guidelines specifically. Topic Sentence (TP): A broad sentence that mentions key details. Concrete Detail (CD): The “what” of the text – facts, specific details, evidence, citations. Commentary (CM): What think

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